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v-shared-element Directive

This directive simplifies adding data attributes to the individual elements you wish to transition. It is required to see any useful animation. You pass a configuration object to indicate which element to transition to/from.


    role: 'img'
}" />
idstringrequiredThe identifier for the content that this element belongs to.
rolestringrequiredThe role this content should play in the transition. For example, if your content has a header image, links to it may be presented with a thumbnail image, both the header and thumbnail image might have the role of img
scale"preserve" | "free" | "none"preserveNormally, the element will scale to fit within its new size while maintaining its aspect ratio. To allow the aspect ratio to change, set scale to free. To prevent scaling, set scale to "none"
onlyundefined | "enter" | "leaveundefinedWhen set, limits the element's transition to only transitioning in or out.

You might wish to turn off scaling for text elements that are left- or right-aligned but don't tend to take up their full width. Otherwise, during the transition of a wide element to a narrow element, the large element may appear to drift horizontally as it scales to the size of the small element.

v-relative-slide Directive

This directive assigns an ordinal value to a container being transitioned, and a required peer group to which the content belongs. Content in different peer groups will not be considered for relative transitions.

  v-relative-slide="{ value: post.sortOrderValue, group: 'posts }"
  <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>
  <!-- etc. -->

v-shared-element-teleport Directive

If for any reason some of the elements in a view have been teleported elsewhere in the DOM structure, they won't be discoverable by the Contextual Transition. To reveal them, use the v-shared-element-teleport directive to specify a selector for the container in which the teleported elements can be found.

Basically, it looks like this (but there's a catch):

<!-- this will work, but only for transitioning in -->
<div v-shared-element-teleport="'[data-my-modal]']">
    <!-- some content -->
    <img src="..." v-shared-element="{ id: x, role: 'img' }" />
  <Teleport to="body">
    <div data-my-modal="">
      <!-- some other content; considered for transition -->
      <h2 v-shared-element="{ id: x, role: 'title' }">
        {{ title }}

The catch — that this simple approach only works for transitioning in — is because the teleported elements don't automatically persist when the view is transitioning away.